ice cream binge
So the temperature in Niigata is really starting to drop, we are down to the 50's. I know that right now it is as cold, if not colder, back in Minnesota. However they don't believe in central heat here so when it is 50 outside, it is 50 inside as well. For a modernized country they sure believe in making life miserable for people. Anyway, what is the logical thing to do when it starts to get cold out? Eat more ice cream, specifically Haagen Dazs. After Gavin left I actually went to the Sanjo hospital with one of my English teachers to figure out what was going on with my stomach. Apparently it was some kind of stomach bacteria because I was given a weeks worth of antibiotics to finish. On top of that I was given a diet of food and drink that I should have and avoid. The avoid list consisted of pure fruit juice and milk. Then on the indulge list was water, yogurt, and expensive ice cream. There is Japanese logic for you, don't have milk but eat a bunch of dairy products that are derived from milk. Oh well I cannot complain because my stomach sickness has completely vanished. That is also what started my Haagen Dazs binge. They only come in these little cups for around 240 yen ($2) but it is oh so good. I have tried the following flavors: green tea, strawberry, cookies and cream, apple pie, and classic chocolate. The best part about it is that they are all as equally amazing as the next! Hopefully my ice cream binging will halt once the snow comes in but for now I still make daily visits to 7eleven.
One last note, in case you were wondering, I have had to invest in both an electric blanket and a halogen space heater. Both have proven to be wise investments so far as I have already started to use them. Later on in the month the kerosene and electric heaters will be busted out for use in the apartment as well. Don't you wish you were in Niigata?
I am amazed that your shirt is off in only 3 of 15 pictures. That only means one of three things. Option A: The weather is too cold, which has not stopped you in the past. Option B: You are not taking enough pictures, which is likely but probably not the reason. Or Option C: You are not drinking enough in Japan. I will go with Option C. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing I will let you determine.
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