Sunday, September 04, 2005

poster children

In case you didn't know, there are many things that don't survive in the United States that become extremely popular in Japan. Zima, for example, I don't think I have ever had one back home but they are offered at almost every bar we have gone to here. After our first experience with the thirst quenching alcoholic beverage we couldn't contain ourselves so obviously Melissa, Will, and I are the next faces of Zima Japan. Did you know they even have a website? Check out the link and you will see how cool we are, at least in the eyes of the Japanese. Some of the Japanese folk we were with even commented on how cool the Americans looked with an ice cool Zima in their hands, oh how little they know of the good ole U S of A. Like we cared, it was clear to us that our destiny lyes with being the next poster children of Zima while handing out hats, frisbees, and beer cozy's.

A few other things that have managed to make the list of things that are way too popular over here despite dismal appearances in the States: 7eleven, Kentucky Fried Chicken, the Olsen twins, fanny packs (Emily would be in heaven), overly baggy shirts with pictures of Snoopy and the 80's fashion sense. However, none of these compare to Zima which is obviously way cooler than any of the above stated but sadly almost disappeared from its homeland. Thank goodness for Japan adopting this coolness into its society and for telling all the Japanese that Americans go up in coolness for having one in their hands. Take one last look at us before we are on all the billboards in Tokyo sipping ice cold Zima's.


At 5:53 AM, Blogger melissa said...

Dear Aaron,

It has been brought to my attention that three really cute Americans are interested in being the fresh new gaijin faces of Zima: Japan. I love the diversity represented in these three middle class American faces - almost any Japanese person will long to join your glamorous (kakkoii, if you will) lifestyles. And that's really what the Zima brand is all about - giving our customers a more glamorous lifestyle.

I have reviewed your portfolio and am pleased to tell you that the advertising staff and myself would love to offer you a contract. Please meet us at Banana Boat in HonjiKouji on Tuesday night where we can negotiate your contracts and I will give you your first Zima trucker hats and lighers. If you can't find Banana Boat, just call my keitai and I will have a bodyguard escort you to this fine establishment (with exposed wood - so trendey, ne?).

Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu,
Takeshi Watanabe
Niigata representative to Zima: Japan

At 9:49 PM, Blogger keelyYD said...

hey dude, what were those chewy candy things called that we always got...they were kinda like mambas...but better....and the only thing that didn't taste like fish or seaweed

At 6:22 AM, Blogger Aaron said...

they are called haichu... also known as the best candy in the world... i can't believe you forgot that... i guess that is what happens when you date people named nick and make out in the woods... talk to you soon kiwi... i know you miss me

At 7:22 AM, Blogger keelyYD said...

oh yeah, haichu...mmmm, those were really good. and thank you very much...for the last time....THERE WAS NO MAKING OUT IN THE WOODS....AND HE GOT LOST, NOT there. and at least i don't date people whatever that guys name ws that you dated. ha. so there. k, i'm done.

At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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