taiko gods
Friday night was a blast! It involved going to Sado island for the Earth Celebration. We pretty much went for Kodo concert, which is a group of taiko drummers. What is taiko drumming you ask? It is a traditional Japanese drum that also incorporates various other traditional performing arts. If you want to know more about Kodo or taiko, check out the Kodo link. The drive took us an hour and a half to the port and then the ferry was another two hours to get to Sado. We arrived right as it was about to start but no one warned us about the massive hill we had to climb for the venue.Once we got in though it was amazing. Granted I think any kind of music is great, especially since I can't play and instruments. However, this was mind blowing how fast the could be the drums and create great a rhythmic flow with fantastic beats. I really wanted to take pictures for everyone but we were not allowed to use cameras. We tried, believe me I tried and got yelled at plenty of times for even turning my camera on, oh well. After the concert we headed to the beach via taxi to set up tents. Quite the experience when you are slightly entoxicated. Well we did manage to get the tents up and have a good time in the process. The night was good except for a few fun night time experiences: mosquitoes in the tent, no pillow, and hippies playing the drums until sunrise. Needless to say it was kind of a long morning but I got back to Sanjo in one piece with a new cd and I got to talk to Gavin! Oh and a quick comment about the picture, see if you can find Melissa with the money protecting wandering eyes.
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